NASA: Juno successfully entered the orbit of Jupiter, commentator said, "Welcome to Jupiter

adil 14:01
NASA's unmanned spacecraft Juno started walking in the orbit of Jupiter, this mission is a major achievement.
 NASA's unmanned spacecraft Juno started walking in the orbit of Jupiter. Solving the mystery of the origin of the solar system's largest planet were beginning to 1.1 billion mission is a major achievement.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California said a commentator in the campaign associated with the control, "Welcome to Jupiter."
Successfully penetrated the targeted orbit of Jupiter to the solar observatory of the people in the room started ringing voices filled with joy. The orbiter night at 11 pm 53 minutes (53 minutes international time tempering three hrs) entered the orbit of Jupiter.
The shuttle launched from Florida's Cape Kenveral five years before his arrival has traveled 2.7 billion kilometers.

NASA's principal investigator Scott Bolton into a screaming with glee, "We reached it."
He engaged in mission control told his colleagues, "You guys are by far the best team."
Bolton said, "You have committed NASA is by far the most difficult thing."

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