Indian space agency, space shuttle "is preparing for the launch of the first domestic format. Made-in-India seeks it completely.
The weight and size of an SUV vehicle a Drautgrami being finalized in Sriharikota. Then before the launch countdown will commence.
Yes, a large country Dutgami and re-launch vehicle that can be used, has rejected the idea, but engineers believe that the economy of India to launch satellites into orbit to reduce the cost of the measure is that the rocket the recycling and reuse should be made to fit. ISRO scientists believe that if they are successful recycling technology launch costs 10 times less space and can make $ 2000 per kg
All right on walking, even before the monsoon in India on the coast of Bay of Bengal in Andhra Pradesh, the Indian space center in Sriharikota launch indigenous Riugebl Demonstretr Whikl- Technology (re) usable launch vehicle technology - Exhibitor: The RLV-TD the projection can be. The first time that ISRO would launch spacecraft equipped with delta wings. After the launch, it will return to the Bay of Bengal.
RLV-TD during the experiment can not be recovered from the sea. It is likely that the vehicle will disintegrate upon contact with water, because its design is not conducive to swimming. The purpose of this experiment is not his purpose to Float it and unload it at five times the speed of sound at a fixed velocity path about 500 kilometers off the coast in the Bay of Bengal is.
US space shuttle in forms that match the RLV-TD is being tested, the final draft is almost six times smaller.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram director. Sivan said: '' It's big step towards Hanuman are just little steps. ''
The final draft is ready, it will take at least 10 to 15 years because the re-usable manned rocket design is not child's play.
Attempting to operate the flights of the space shuttle in a few countries the US, Russia, France and Japan are included. The US and its space shuttle flew 135 times in 2011 over its duration. US-made rockets since then he has lost the ability to send astronauts into space. One made by Russian space shuttle Buran hailed it. In 1989 he was once in space. Then France and Japan, according to information available with a few pilot flew, it appears that China did not attempt to launch space shuttle ever.
India 15 years ago, the idea of creating their own space shuttle was adopted but its introduction was almost five years ago. And a dedicated team of engineers and scientists began to transform into reality RLV-TD. 'Aeroplane' size of 6.5 meters long and 1.75-tonne spacecraft with the help of a special rocket boosters will be sent into the atmosphere.
Special booster or solid fuel is used in the first stage and the RLV-TD will range up to about 70 kilometers into the atmosphere. Escarp will start from there. The small launcher fix the vehicle at that place will help move where it is alight.
The vessel, the low-grade will observe its satellite and radar. The vehicle has a lower base is not in use, so it can be lowered back to the ground. And in India to launch such a vehicle does not have a five kilometer long runway.
Indian Space Shuttle or RLV-TD took five years to build the project and the government has invested Rs 95 crore. The launch of this vehicle speed than sound re-examine the capacity to enter. When this happens, use the Hyper Sonic (HEX) will be termed.
VSSC scientists have developed a key technology of the material to withstand the extremely high temperatures, the exterior of the space shuttle in touch after returning from almost the vacuum will pass through extremely dense atmosphere.
The friction caused by air very hot iron plate-like exterior makes. Making it capable of withstanding temperatures of 5000-7000 ° C light of the scientists and the insulator used silica tiles, has been charged under the Indian spacecraft.
The forward part of the ship is made from a special carbon-carbon structure, which can withstand high temperatures. These particular substances are necessary to protect the inside of the vehicle, as the inside temperature must be above 50 ° C.
The heat insulating tiles and the thermal layers in the US space shuttle Columbia had failed. As a result of the 2003 Indian-American astronaut Kalpana Chawla was killed. Because of this, thermal management, ISRO's RLV heavy stresses.
VSSC for use in this important project director Shyam Mohan said specific with his team to make the new rocket has made several sleepless nights. But he also says that space technologies are full of risks.
Global powers have failed in the field, the Indians in the area are expected to achieve success because success for ISRO has become a habit.
RLV soon the former President of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 'Klamayan "should be hailed. He was an excellent aeronautics engineer who made excellent range rockets and India dreamed of becoming a developed country.
ISRO to dream big as it is not a full 'indigenous Space Shuttle is moving carefully