The Deoband seminary, Maulana Ghulam Mohammad, a former member of the managing committee Wastanvi Mohtmim and told reporters that in Islam killing of any innocent is considered equivalent to killing the whole humanity. Darul Uloom in Dhaka, Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia outside the mosque in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks.
"The 'terrorist attack at mosque or temple, Muslim or Hindu is not appropriate in any case.'
Wastanvi Maulana said the attack is no, you can not like him. Against militants that support must also deal harshly. Darul Uloom Deoband, said public relations officer Ashraf Usmani month of Ramadan is the month of patience and prayer. The killing of innocents is extremely malleable and totally against Islam.
He's posh Friday in Dhaka, Bangladesh lost their lives in the terrorist attacks against those who mourned. He condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Darul Uloom. The terror attacks on July Dhaka woman Tarisi Jain, a resident of Firozabad, including 20 people were killed, of which 18 were overseas.