It rained heavily at several places in Madhya Pradesh on Tuesday. Narsinghpur 8 and 6 inches of rain was recorded in the ocean. Damoh rain continuously for 12 hours. Ndi- several rivulets are in spate. Torrential rains in Raisen Bhopal-ocean route was closed. Goldsmith in Damoh district, Wyarma, rigors, helpless and copra rivers.
The flood-like situation has become. Bhopal after three o'clock in the night received light showers. Weather center director Dr Anupam Kashypi Bay of Bengal monsoon, said the branch is active. Wednesday and Thursday are expected to rain in many places. The Arabian Sea branch is still weak. Narsinghpur and heavy rain alert has been issued in the ocean.
Narsinghpur alert
Narsinghpur has issued an alert in the city. Land Records Department until the wee hours of Tuesday morning, is claimed to be eight inches of rain. The rains in Dindori Kutral Amarkantak Road bridge over the river collapsed. Given the boom in Narmada authorities have issued an alert. Krmar river Sakkas-Mandla road was closed due to the fermentable. Also Katni, Damoh, Umaria, Seoni, Balaghat also been active monsoon.
The wall collapsed, killing innocent
Umaria district in Chandia wall collapsed early Tuesday Kushvah Sahil (6) was killed. Ashok Kushvah wall collapsed from the heavy rains, said the incident occurred.
Brother, sister rescued the drowning
Bdwari boom came on in the village after the rain fell in the valley two years old child. As soon as my brother saw falls in the groove, sister brother caught him climb. Brother is healthy and has been admitted to a district hospital. Yadav of village servants at 9 am sharp, rain drain out of his house next to the water with strong currents was leaving. Subha gutter next to his son (2) and daughter Lalita (10) were playing. Subha had suddenly fallen into the water.
Tawa dam's water level increased
Tawa dam's water level has increased by more than 1 ft. Narmada water level is rising. Narmada water is touching both sides. However in the evening the water level was stabilizing at 935.70. Tawa dam's water level is 1118.40. The day before the water was 1117.30 feet.